Monday, March 2, 2009

What Lies Ahead

Though I'm not on here much to update, which I hope to change soon, it's exciting to see the visitors to my blog. I'm sorry to those of you who have visited, whether it be once or 20 times. I hope to give you better reading in the not too distant future. I appreciate your views!

Ever since our honeymoon, my wife and I have longed to be out west. It was our first times out there and unfortunately for us we didn't get much of a taste, just a teasing of the palet. We were very fortunate, and I mean very fortunate to have an amazing older couple offer us a trip out to Idaho and spend the time out there as long as we wished on their dime and come to find out later...on their time. We took the offer and spent a week in Idaho Park. I was excited, especially since John took the time to book us a trip in the Box. I spent the entire summer before going, researching the area, excited to fish the streams in and around the Park. If we only knew what lie ahead...

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