Sunday, December 7, 2008

Nothing New Here

I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post. I apologize for any inconveniences :). Anyways the weather here in NC has been wintery to say the least. Mornings in the 20's, afternoons in the 40's or 50's. We've had some rain the past few weeks and the wind has also been strong during the day at times. I haven't done any of the so-called 'fishing' or 'casting' as of late. My last fishing adventure was the day after Thanksgiving. My father in law wanted to bless me and bless me he did. I spent the 15 minutes we were out in the boat, puking my guts out, mainly the coffee I had for breakfast 30 minutes prior- coffee and stomache acid smells horrible when stuck in your nostrils. I didn't take any motion sickness stuff which was my first mistake. Second mistake was going out into the ocean. I've never had much luck with big water and big waves. I was fine driving to the fishing area but as soon as the boat stopped I felt it coming on. So I rigged up my shrimp, threw it over the boat, sat down and immediately began trying to get myself ready to release. Shortly after, I reeled my bait in, leaned over the boat and waited for my demise. After putting on a show for the 2o boats around us, some as close as 10 feet, Gary finally decided he'd take me in(Thank God). So all in all, it wasn't a bad day. I took a few things away from the trip. One: I have been on large ocean yachts and did decent therefore am made for million dollar fiberglass. Two: I love my rivers and boats do not bother me. I am made for the mountain streams that I love most and I'll most likely stick to this :) Who says I can't buy million dollar worth of fiberglass for rivers :).

I've spent most of my time sitting around the house, waiting until I can afford to run back to the mountains and cast a line, which will hopefully be soon. I have been watching the birds off the back porch. The Finches, Cardinals and some Wren's along with the squirrels and the white feline of the neighborhood. It hasn't caught anything that I've seen and I'm not sure it ever will. Then again, it's white! During my bird watching I also keep an eye on the local drug dealer. He's a pesky lil boy but hopefully leaving the community shortly. I also finally managed to call Marmot and order some more elastic tent pole string. They are sending it for free and it should be here soon! That's exciting.

Winter is long and unfortunately I live farther than I'd like from the streams of Western NC so until next time, enjoy some of the blogs I have listed and stay safe and keep on fishin'. Thanks for reading!

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