Friday, March 27, 2009

Royal Wulff

It's been raining here for about a day or so, maybe more I can't remember. The rain storm from the Rockies is supposed to head this direction and get here tomorrow night sometime. I've got 1 week of school left. I've got a few more pages left on this research paper and I'm done. Just another week and I can go fishin'. Expect a fishing report soon.

I've been working on these Royal Wulff's. I don't have enough money to buy any brown hackle so I'm using what I have. I've had a few tutorials and 'lessons' from one of the best, if not the best dry fly tier in the world and I'm coming along slowly. He says that the Royal Wulff is in his opinion the fly that teaches you the most. So I heeded his advice and have tied up quite a few. I'm nowhere near his level but it takes practice. I'm posting up the one's I have tied this week. A bad day at tying beats the heck out of working on a research paper. Once the verdict comes back, I'll probably destroy the bad ones and keep the good ones. Take the good ones fishing in the next few weeks.

So far I'm having a difficult time getting the post to sit straight up. On all of my flies I seem to have the post pointing too far forward. I also can't seem to get the deer hair to cooperate so I've just settled with the Moose mane. I've also been working on the proportions and the head. Thanks for lookin'.

A little scary...
Royal Wulff

Gaining some weight in the mid section...
Royal Wulff

This is a tad better...
Royal Wulff

Gettin' there...
Royal Wulff

Definitely not perfect...
Royal Wulff

Last one...
Royal Wulff

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