Saturday, May 9, 2009

One More Week

Just one more week until I head to Oklahoma to pick up a new vehicle and then head on up to Jackson. My wife and I have stuff all over this apartment, trying to figure out what needs to go and what can stay. Some friends of ours are throwing a 'mandatory' good bye party next Friday and once that is over the reality will set in a little deeper. Saturday will be spent packing up the civic as much as possible. I'm really not sure how everything is going to fit but all it's gotta do is get to Oklahoma. Depending on how I feel I might be leaving Charlotte next Sunday evening and driving through the night. Hopefully I will arrive in Tulsa sometime Monday night or Tuesay morning and get some rest. From there a larger vehicle will do the trick and get everything to Jackson in one piece. I am checking the weather daily and looking at the town pictures on jhguide. The traffic has definitely picked up in the last week or so and the days seem to be getting warmer. I'm super excited and look forward driving into town in another week and a half. My first day in the shop at Jack Dennis will be sometime before Memorial Day. Rock n Roll!

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