Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jackson Lake

Fished Jackson lake again today and was once again skunked. I fished a green and white streamer and had one bump on that. I haven't been fishing with a sinking line so I went to the shop and put an old line onto an un-used reel and will perhaps go at it again tomorrow. I have seen some activity on top with fish chasing baitfish with style so have been experimenting with my retrieval speed. I'm not much of a lake fisherman when it comes to trout and the limit backcast makes it difficult to reach the deeper water. Perhaps tomorrow will bring something different. I've also been noticing quite a few midges flying around. Not sure if the fish in the lake like them or not but I will definitely be keeping an eye out for midging fish.

Also seen quite a bit of wildlife the last few days. A couple of Foxes or Coyotes not sure...Black bear of pretty good size and lots and lots of prong horns. And one baby moose. Be careful out there and keep your eye out for animals.

see ya.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In Jackson Now

I'm in Jackson now and have spent a few days at the shop working. Hopefully getting integrated. Got in town Thursday night. Went fishing Saturday and Sunday. Sunday I got chased off the lake by high winds and cold temps. Didn't catch anything...bought some more streamers today and am gonna hit some lakes tomorrow and friday, hopefully catch some fish. It's a great town, right now I'm using Albertson's as my internet connection. More later...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Made it to Oklahome safely. Have the Sub packed for the most part and will leave here wednesday mornin'. Gettin' into town Thursday evenin' sometime. See ya!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Leavin' Town

Leavin' town tomorrow afternoon sometime. I've never seen a civic so loaded down in all my life. Got so much junk in there. I've been callin' my renters in Jackson and the line has been busy all day...geez I hope I didn't get scammed. Should be in town by least I got my car and a tent. Soon there will be mountains on the horizon! I'll be drivin' about 36 hrs and around 2400 miles so if ya think about me throw up a prayer for safe travels. Take care all. See Jackson soon!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

One More Week

Just one more week until I head to Oklahoma to pick up a new vehicle and then head on up to Jackson. My wife and I have stuff all over this apartment, trying to figure out what needs to go and what can stay. Some friends of ours are throwing a 'mandatory' good bye party next Friday and once that is over the reality will set in a little deeper. Saturday will be spent packing up the civic as much as possible. I'm really not sure how everything is going to fit but all it's gotta do is get to Oklahoma. Depending on how I feel I might be leaving Charlotte next Sunday evening and driving through the night. Hopefully I will arrive in Tulsa sometime Monday night or Tuesay morning and get some rest. From there a larger vehicle will do the trick and get everything to Jackson in one piece. I am checking the weather daily and looking at the town pictures on jhguide. The traffic has definitely picked up in the last week or so and the days seem to be getting warmer. I'm super excited and look forward driving into town in another week and a half. My first day in the shop at Jack Dennis will be sometime before Memorial Day. Rock n Roll!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I am officially part of the team at Jack Dennis Sports! Be there soon.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fishing in the Philippines

A friend of mine is over in the Philippines right now in a remote village and had some pictures on her blog. I asked her to send two of them two me. This is remarkable...Just imagine tying up a caterpillar with a salt water hook. It's HUGE!!

She said what the men do is take these really long spears and go under water. They hold their breath and find the eels and spear them. Bring them up and then eat em. Not sure if I'm up for that.

This other picture is of some crawling machine. The kid might be small but the bug is gigantic. We think the women scream now?

Lord willing, I will be in Jackson Wyoming by the end of this month and wait for the pictures to begin.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Catch Mag number 5

Catch Magazine

Check it out.

I'm also trying to find relatively cheap rent in Jackson Hole. Let me know if ya know of some.