Thursday, November 6, 2008

Midge Fever

Tying midge's is like getting in shape. You hate doing it and it usually isn't that fun but once you have accomplished tying a few hundred tiny brats you feel like you have conquered the world. After the eye drops and perhaps a few soda's, you might actually be able to stop shaking and see what you tied. Even at the ripe age of 26, I have a hard time sitting at the vise and tying any more than 20 or 30 small flies at a time. That includes good light and a magnifier. My eye balls are sore and my back aches. Oh I can feel it now and I haven't started.

It is quite foolish though to go into the fishing season...scratch that, go to the river without midges. Therefore, we gotta have em and have loads of em. They really are fun though. They are so similar and yet so different and they can be as simple or as difficult as you want them to be.
Stay tuned for the Midge Chronicles.

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